Monday, July 02, 2007

Paris, the big fat liar (on Larry King Live)

Music: Rod Stewart- Taking a chance on love Mood: Gan Zheong! (my first day at work tmr!)

Okay I know I really hated her, so what if I purposely downloaded and watched the entire 'Paris Hilton on Larry King Live' on youtube? Seriously, it was like watching a kid saying no to stealing the chocolate cake when he has chocolate smeared around his face and hands. Anyway, here are several parts that really amuses me and the rest of Paris Hilton Haters population around the globe.

LK= Larry King, P: Paris Hilton

On Drugs

LK: Ever taken drugs?

P: NO.
(whoa~! I thought i heard a thunderous choking sound from millions of viewers)

LK: Did you hang around with people who did those things?

P: Yeah I know people who have.

LK: Why didn'y you put a stop to this earlier and said I've never used drugs and I don't drink?

P: I just think when you do that you'll put more attention to something...when something's not true, I just don't pay attention to it coz I know my friends and family know the true me and that's really matters to me, and I feel, like, by defending yourself when things are untrue, all these doings will make people talk about it more.

LK: But in today's world, Paris, no comment is yes, don't you think so? The media is the message.

(She looked uncomfortable as she didn't see that coming~)

P: er...I just...I don't know...(3 seconds silence) people just make up stories and there's nothing I can do about it and I just don;t like to response.

LK: But the thing is you realize of course that one of the problem is this, and you've let it continue.

P: Yeah I know how I am so that's fine.

(damn that was a really idiotic blonde answer.)

Were those lollipops??

On her Attention Deficit Disorder(ADD)

LK: How did ADD affect you while in jail?

P: affects you and it's difficult to pay attention to things and... I don't know, it's something I've dealt with in my whole life... (sounded helpless)

LK: (cuts in) do you had ADD and you lose concerntration?

P: Yeah.

LK: and you've had it since you were a kid?

P: yeah. since I was like, 12. (it's like she Chin Chai added that on)

LK: So you had to be tougher in situations when you were like, entrapped?

P: Yeah, but I've learned to deal with it.

LK: So how did this affect you in business?

P: no.

LK: television?

P: no.

LK: singing?

P: no. I'm doing fine everywhere.

(I really do feel like puking)

On claustrophobia

P: Well I've suffered from claustrophobia my entire life and I was having severe panic attacks.

(TMD, so you don't suffer from this while on your helicopters or limos?

LK: How did you cure the claustrophobia?

P: I just...had to deal with it. So I've meditated, read letters, journals, I just close my eyes and literally pretend that I'm somewhere else, imagining that I'm at some special place.

LK: are you cured?

P: on claustrophobia?

LK: I mean, you must be!

P: now that I'm out of there, yeah~!

(OMG, that was DUMB!)

On reading the Holy Bible (my favourite part!!!)

LK: you were spotted I think holding a Bible or something, so did you take one with you?

P: we were not allowed to bring one in so I've ordered one from the commissary list.

LK: you were not allowed to bring books in?

P: you can't bring anything in.

LK: are you a religious person?

P: I've always been religious...I've been to Catholic School when I was a child. (what does that has to do with being religious -__-)

LK:So you read the Bible when you were in jail?

P: yes.

LK: what's your favourite Bible passage?

P: ........ (fumbles around and looked away and a few seconds of awkward silence) I don't have a favourite.

(now that's worth my time watching this!)

Paris is HOLY.


~风之翼~ said...

u really DO hate paris~ hahahaha

~angelkit~ said...

seriously, i'm quite amazed at how i can do so much 'coverage' about her when i hated her so much ^^|||