Sunday, May 08, 2011

Blessed Mother's Day

Music: 唐麼玫- 真实 Mood: Lazy Sunday afternoon

I'm not the neatest girl you hoped for,
I'm not the top scorer you wished I could've be,
I'm not the smartest daughter who could have owned her own business and supply you with pocket-full of money,
I'm not the most obedient child you would MOST probably wished for;


But, when you are getting from...

"Teresa Teng" and "Beatles" to "I can't hear you",
The personal chauffeur to wheelchair,
Size 5 shoes to walking cane,
The nagging to the babbling,
Underwear to soiled diapers,
Spectacles to cataracts,
"What time are you coming home" to "I can't remember who you are";

I'll be there to hold your hand till the end.
Your love and care have been tattooed in our hearts and can never be forgotten.

The Mother likes it :)

(Special thanks to Glad Tiding's Church-part of the beautiful poem came from their mother's day special prayers).