Saturday, June 09, 2007

A puzzling surprise

Music: Chick Corea-Fly me to the moon Mood: heaty

I'm never lucky at lucky draws, sms contests, caption contests or radio call-ins. As far as I can remember, I've only won a lousy thin paperback story book through 3M magazine (it's a mag for kids fyi, for those who understand chinese, it's called 3M画报) when I was eight and a homerun party invitation at JB through Hitz.Fm's Prado Cruises games near MMU. That's ALL.

Aaaanyway, I'm quite surprised to receive a package addressing to me today. In the midst of wondering who could've send something to me, I've noticed there was several logos indicating the package was from Gempak/ Comic King. Then, I suddenly recalled that I've sent several smses to their 'CNY giveaway sms competition' during Feb. Sure enough, it was a really pleasant surprise after I tore open the package.

A full-coloured 125-page character guide book from my favourite Comic King cartoonist!

Thank you thank you thank you thank you~~ that makes meself 3 times luckier ^^


~风之翼~ said...

Hahaha... that's not puzzling, that's a pleasant surprise!!

~angelkit~ said...

at first I even thought they have sent a gift to a wrong address, but with my name on it hahaha...although i'm not as lucky as some of my friends who got concert tickets to Taiwan lah, free trips to some countries lah... but at least this is my level of lucky-ness haha~~! ^^