Monday, February 23, 2009

Indians ruled the Night

Music: Eric Benet- Still I Believe Mood: Contented

Slumdog Millionaire wins big at the 81st Academy Awards 2009 by sweeping a total of 8 awards from 10 nominations including: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Score Music, Best Song, Best Film Editing, Best Sound Mixing, Best Cinemagraphy and Best Adapted Screenplay.

They have also won a clean sweep (4 out of 4 awards) in Golden Globe, 7 out of 11 from the UK BAFTA Awards and 5 of the 6 nominations from Critics' Choice Awards.

Like Ang Lee winning Best Director, I'm happy for their triumph at the Awards since it's another proven effort by non- mat Salleh on-screen casts, 100% Indians in fact.

Set in India, the movie is about Jamal Malik, an 18-year-old orphan who is one question away from winning twenty million Rupees on India's version of 'Who wants to be a millionaire?'. However, he has been whisk away by polices for suspected cheating as no one, including highly educated players have ever reached that level, let alone a poor kid from the slums of Mumbai. Jamal tells the story of how he relates his life experiences with each question on the show to prove his innocence.

This is a recommended great watch, given that we see Mumbai stripped to its rawest reality; from 'rubbish neighborhoods', deadly riots, to how they disable child street beggars to fetch higher prices. Director Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, The Beach) is bold enough to use unknown actors and I must commend on their Sound Editing, it's almost perfect. Since they have casted fully Indians on the movie, you are bound to expect 'The Indian way': Indian- styled acting and not forgetting the signature group dance.


Anonymous said...

That y dont look down at poor people, they may be more interligent then us.:)..Their life experience is more valueble and meaningful than us. N most of successful wealthy human in world also came from poor family.

Anonymous said...

Why those movies with the main cast sitting and telling their old stories always gets the nomination?

Whatever. I just love it. It is fantastic. Watching special movie with someone special on the special day.